10 Instagram accounts every freelancer needs to follow

Hi freelancer! How has the freelance business being?

Technology has paved the way for a new level of interaction unheard of and unseen in its breadth and reach.

There are quite a number of social media platforms through which you can advance your craft and you would agree with me that Instagram is one of them. Personally, Instagram holds a special place in my heart because it has helped my writing craft a lot, and I believe it can help your craft as well.

For every freelancer, Instagram is the place to be. In just about seven years, Instagram can safely be called a social media powerhouse, having over 600 million users who are active on a monthly basis, and over 100 million photos being shared on a daily basis!
And so, in this post, we would be selecting 10 out of the numerous awesome platforms which freelancers would do well to follow.

1. @AfricanFreelancers:

First on the list is AfricanFreelancers, and for good reason. From the new freelancer in need of tips to navigate the freelance pool, to the oldie’ who needs encouragement and general tips on freelancing, this is a must-follow site on the gram. At AfricanFreelancers, you get a vital education on freelancing, daily motivation as well as an exposure to current freelance gigs. To cap it all, you are introduced to an online community of freelancers in Africa as indeed- this is the first online platform for freelancers in Africa.

2. @SparkleWritersHub

On Instagram, there are those sites that just push you to be the best version of yourself. For writers, this is one of such sites, and if you need coaching and training in writing (regardless of what level you are on the writing scale), there sure is room for you at the sparklewritershub!

3. @FreelanceMemes

You need to follow this site right away! For the most epic memes on freelancing, and to help brighten your mood just in case things aren’t going as planned, this site would be very helpful. From the freelance blogger to the freelance designer, they’ve got just the perfect memes for you

4. @MyFreelanceKit

The typical freelancer is a creative, one who is less likely to be inclined towards business than towards the creative aspect of freelancing. Therefore, one aspect which many freelancers find to be challenging is that while trying to run their freelance business, they would have to put aside the creativity which burns through their veins, many times. Out of frustration, a freelancer might quit because this business ‘just ain’t working’.
According to Matt Blick, founder of MyFreelanceKit, having the proper business template would go a long way to solve this problem, which is why the page was created in the first place. You would do well to follow this page on Instagram. ‘What happens when you spend 75% of your time on contracts?’ Follow this page to get an answer to this question.

5. @EpicFreelancing

Every new freelancer needs to have a platform or a page which they can consult when they are doubtful about the freelance life, or just don’t know what to do. If this is you, then you ought to follow this page as it would help you to build a freelance career which you love.

6. @WriterPosts

WriterPosts is another great page which all writers would relate to, and one which every writer should follow! Check out the page, and you’d understand what I’m talking about- it seems as though they get into the crevices of every writer’s mind and brings out all of those things which we think about!

7. @CreativeDash

For the freelance designer in search of motivation and other designers, this is a page which should be followed. Not only will the numerous designs on this page bring the artist in you to life, it would also spur your spirit towards the love for a community of fellow designers. It provides creativity at its peak.

8. @Fireart_studio

This is also for freelance designers and graphic artists in need of motivation here and there. You can also make orders and estimate projects on the page

9. @AfricanWriters

This platform helps to ‘explore our creative horizons’, and is for the ‘new generation of writers, poets and readers’, which forms a good percentage of freelancers

10. @FreelanceHit
FreelanceHit promises you daily motivation, which every freelancer needs- but most especially, the freelancer who has just started out on this career path. Every day, there are reasons to quit doing what you are passionate about but with just the right dosage of medication, you are good to go! They also promise to help you build a ‘long-lasting freelance career you don’t end up hating’.

The 9-5 life works for some but for others, it just isn’t it. These other people are freelancers, 24/7 hustlers, and with just the right freelance family on social media, the work might just be a little easier!

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