5 Ways to Handle a Hostile Client

Just for laughs, what is the worst freelance offer you have ever received?

Imagine Femi who just got a freelance job that pays you so well that you can’t believe you can even collect this kind of amount for a freelance job. You’re so excited about the work that you can’t wait to lay your hands on the work and start working so well on.

However, this client of his has started acting funny and not keeping to time and he even starts to act cocky. In fact, the other day the client hung up on him and told him Femi not to call him except he does.

What would you do?

How many of us have been in Femi’s shoes one way or the other?

How many of us have found ourselves dealing with hostile clients who don’t care how we feel?

How many times have you wished you didn’t accept a job because of the way a client is treating you?

Some of us might have encountered hostile clients one way or the other. Here’s the thing, we shouldn’t allow that to get to us.

This might be a bit frustrating and annoying, but think about it; 5 years from now, how would you rather you have reacted to this situation? Would you rather take the high road and still be your nice and professional self, or would you rather act just the way the other person is acting?

Ronald Reagan once said, “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”

I know I know, you may think it sounds easier said than done but think about it again; people are different and we all have different traits, and if we meet different people whom among them may be proud, hostile, or indifferent; do we have to be all these to these people? Why can’t we just be our nice and patient self and also professional?

How do you effectively deal with a hostile client?

Here are some suggestions for you:

  1. Understand the person
  2. Understand the situation
  3. Clearly state your position
  4. Be nice
  5. Be professional
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