Freelance Jobs

How to Start a Thriving Freelance Business in School

Being a student is hard. From the examinations and tests to the extra-curricular activities, sleepless nights spent studying and the constant unavailability of money. Enrolling into a university can sometimes be described as signing up for punishment. As hard as it is, many people go through four years or more of university without breaking down, some.

How to Set Goals as Freelancers

A couple of days ago, people all over the world rejoiced as 2018 came into full action. The mood was light, the environment was filled with euphoria and everyone was thrilled to have started the New Year. A new year signifies a lot of things to different people. To some, it’s a time for rejoicing.

Freelancing and Taxes: The basics

  Tax is an essential part of every developed society. At a certain time of the year, tax authorities come knocking at the doors to collect taxes, and freelancers are not exempted from this. The smart people during these times are those who have filed their taxes and the others who haven’t have the law.

5 Alternatives to Paypal in 2018

Paypal is one of the pioneers in the global online financial services sector. Founded in December 1998 with the pioneer name Confinity, Paypal’s idea centred on providing easier payment options to traditional paper methods like cheques and money orders money orders. Paypal has gained and controls a significant share in the Online payment services sector..

A guideline to digital marketing for freelancers: Local SEO

Marketing has always been an important area for the success of any business, many businesses including freelance invest both time and money into marketing their services. Various methods have been known to be used to market goods and services ranging from sharing handbills to printing posters and erecting billboards, however, with time, these traditional methods.


Yes! You read right! This is one topic no one really talks about and I’ve discovered from my experience that this is where it starts! Your first freelance job has a way of determining how it happens from there on; it has a way of shaping everything that follows – how you view Freelance, your.

Why You Shouldn’t be Insecure about Your Writing

I happen to know a lot of writers. Some traits can be smelt (detected) a mile away, and one of them is passion. One other “sniffable” trait? Insecurity. I have attempted to piece together reasons for this state of insecurity, and one reason which comes up frequently is rejection. There is something immensely creative about.

The Rise of Freelancers in Africa

One of the major problems facing African countries is the escalating rate of unemployment. Nigeria, which has the highest rate of unemployment, for example, recorded an outrageous number of 11 million unemployed people in 2017. This figure continues to increase with the rise in population leaving thousands of youths jobless and unemployed. However, times are.


One of the unusual but sometimes experienced and encountered in the Freelance industry is the issue of certain clients struggling/resisting to pay for the services enjoyed. First, it is wisdom to establish that this ailment is not a Freelance ailment. This is an issue that bothers every industry, business and career and you begin to.

7 Ways to Sharpen Your Editorial Skills- Without Breaking a Bank

To be sincere, I’d rather write up an entire lengthy article or book than edit. Editing stresses me, as well as proofreading. I like to get away from work that I’ve done as fast as possible and I’m guilty of not re-reading because it makes me feel like deleting the entire article. Stephen King said.

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