
Why You Shouldn’t be Insecure about Your Writing

I happen to know a lot of writers. Some traits can be smelt (detected) a mile away, and one of them is passion. One other “sniffable” trait? Insecurity. I have attempted to piece together reasons for this state of insecurity, and one reason which comes up frequently is rejection. There is something immensely creative about.

Some Jobs are Hard!

This is me ranting. Mostly because the jobs I’ve had to do within the last one month have been HARD. Like super-duper HARD! Headache-generating HARD! Things which I really had to go out of my comfort zone to do adequate research on and which at the end of the day, make me hit my bed.

5 Things Every Freelancer wants to say to clients but…

In business, the client/customer is always king, which means you’ve got to consider their needs and stay calm regardless of what they do. Right? That doesn’t eliminate the fact that sometimes, you just want to say some things back at them but you hold your tongue because…well…there’s money (and hopefully, referrals) involved! The last blog.

Here’s How to Ask for Your Money without Sounding Awkward

Money matters. Conversations can go either of two ways when it comes to money- they can either stall or flow. Sometimes, they just get really awkward and uncomfortable, as if they aren’t meant to hold. Many of us have been taught about how the money can be the root of all evil, and we almost.

Excuse me, Where’s all the money?

It’s hilarious, the way money seems to have its own wings- for it to be made, you had to do a lot of serious work, but when it’s to be spent? Sweat not; it has the capacity to spend itself, or so it seems. Money management is a skill which very few people have perfected..

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