job sites

Freelance Job Picks (2)

Dear African freelancers, here are some freelance jobs you can check out: Home content typing job (Location of Job Post: Nigeria). Click here to apply: Freelance Insurance Marketer (Location of Job Post: Nigeria). Click here to apply: Freelance Writers (Location of Job post: South Africa). Click here to apply: Freelance footwear models (Location.

10 things to Note for your Next Job Email Interview

One of the types of job interviews freelancers are familiar with is the mail interview.  This is because most of the job interviews conducted for freelancers are done virtually, and one of such ways is through mail interviews. For a client to conduct a job interview for you via mail, there are some things you.

5 Unique Ways you can get Freelance Jobs on Social Media

It might interest you to know that people get lots of freelance jobs on social media. In fact, I have gotten several freelance gigs on social media. How is this so? One of the things you can do in this case is to research, and not just research, but be creative with your search. In.

9 African Websites Freelancers can get Jobs

One of the things freelancers look out for concerning their freelance career, is how to get good clients who need their professional services and want to hire them.   As a freelancer, you will know that there are so many ways you can get freelance jobs, and one of such ways is getting freelance jobs.

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