getting freelance clients

Freelancing doesn’t mean free. Treat your freelance business like a business

Having a great freelance business isn’t hinged on how talented you are, or your skills at doing whatever you do as a freelancer. Mostly. Truly, it becomes a dilemma when a talented writer makes only a minute sum of money from freelancing. Sad, right? However, someone who is probably less skilled is making a lot.

10 Apps Every Freelancer Needs

This post is dedicated to everyone who values the usage of apps (which should be everyone- seeing as we are no longer in the stone age). The right apps are like pen and paper to the student. As a freelancer, the difference between your job being relatively easy and it being an uphill task can.

How to Write Superb Author Bios

If you have an online presence, you’d always need to have an author’s bio- for your blog, your website or other pages where your work can be viewed. In fact, at the back of almost every book, you are bound to find an author’s bio, which is what a lot of people read before even.

12 Ways Freelancers can get More Clients

“How can I get more clients?” This is perhaps one of the most asked questions by freelancers all over the world. Getting clients as a freelancer is one of the important things in someone’s freelance business. Bills have got to be paid. We need to get paid for what we love doing, we need people.

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